Wealth Frequency Water


Wealth Frequency Water heals, re-connects, and transforms. It is programmable with independent intelligence that magnifies other frequencies.


Wealth Frequency Water heals, re-connects, and transforms. It is programmable with independent intelligence that magnifies other frequencies.


Communication from the Consciousness of Wealth Frequency Water


An activator to neurological pathways, reverberating expansion beyond mental limitations. For enlightened understandings to surface as forefront of conscious and subconscious thought. Re-processing thought energy into insights of limitless opportunity, with an intelligence obsolete of lack. Defined as the totality of infinite possibilities, encapsulated in abundance, accessed through the being and act of gratitude in All That Is and what shall be, bringing you into the awareness that to achieve wealth is to accept that you already have it.



Spray 3x a day, 5 sprays each time



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